The Committee
Meet the ALGWA WA team
The Australian Local Government Women's Association WA (ALGWAWA) Executives are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
Elizabeth Re
Position: President
Council: City of Stirling Councillor
Elizabeth has worked for over 30 years for state and local governments in sustainability, environmental and public health. She was given the honor of being made Fellow of Environmental Health Australia for her services in the field of environmental public health and promotion of women in the workforce. Elizabeth was the first woman appointed as Principal Health and Building Inspector in local government in Western Australia.
Her advocacy on behalf of women and diversity in the workplace was recognised in 2010 with an award for Australian Ambassador for Women for the Year of Women in local government. She is the founder of several local community organisations and believes community consultation and education are paramount to delivering good services and value for ratepayers and families.
Elizabeth has held many executive position on the ALGWA WA committee over many years, including President in 2012 and Vice President in 2013. She was awarded Life membership in 2023.
“Encouraging women to the table is just the first step. Supporting and empowering women to be heard and valued at the table is the next vital step”
Darlene Allston
Position: Immediate Past-President
Council: Shire of Exmouth Councillor
Darlene, is a Councillor in the Shire of Exmouth and the former Shire President.
Darlene has a wealth of Local Government knowledge to share with country and metro members and is currently completing the WALGA Diploma of Local Government.
As an Elected Member, resident and small business owner in the regions, Darlene values and grasp the hard-work and dedication it takes to run a small business and understands the daily challenges of living and working in a remote area, all whilst representing the local community.
With a strong corporate background, focused in food journalism, Darlene offers valuable skills to be an asset to the community. Driven by the belief to nurture our environment, our businesses and maintaining a valuable tourist industry to employ our local families now and into the future being the key to longevity of the town.
Mary Choy
Position: Vice President (Metro)
Council: City of South Perth Councillor
Naomi Purcell
Position: Vice President (Regional)
Council: Shire of Waroona Councillor
I love living in Waroona and have done so, with my husband and two children, for the past 16 years. I continue to be involved in our wonderful community and am currently President of the Waroona Amateur Swimming Club and also the Just Cruizin Car Club which holds the annual All Australian Car Day in Waroona.
I have a passion for community and enjoy actively contributing to it so that Waroona Shire can continue to grow stronger as a place for people to live, work and visit. To encourage tourism growth throughout the Shire would continue to be a focus of mine as more West Australians are experiencing what is good in our beautiful state. I am excited about the current town centre initiatives and also want to help work towards purposeful and positive opportunities for our youth.
Lorna Buchan
Position: Treasurer
Council: City of Rockingham Deputy Mayor
Lorna is a Chartered Accountant, Forensic Auditor and Certified Fraud Examiner. She is passionate about supporting women in local government. She lives in Secret Harbour with her husband, four children and two dogs. Her involvement with the Association began soon after her election in 2019 when she realised that there were certain aspects of Local Government that were not conducive to women's participation, safety, health and well being - so she set out to make change!
Marina Quain
Position: Secretary
Council: City of Bunbury
“Today is a beautiful day, I’ve never seen this one before.”-Maya Angelou
Jennifer Nevard
Position: Committee Member
Council: City of South Perth Councillor
Elected in 2021, Cr Nevard is keen to keep parklands for: community activities, flexible use and for health, fitness and celebration. She will work for improved safety for our neighbourhoods and is keen to foster initiatives strengthening community connectedness.
Her professional experience involved policy development and oversight, planning, governance, outcome measurement and quality control. She holds a Doctor of Education qualification and also completed graduate studies in Information Science.
Leonie de Haas
Position: General Committee
Council: Shire of Esperance Councillor